Illustration & graphic stuff for promiscous minds

Brew Toys #2

Brew Toys is a refreshing networking event that combines custom toys, design and craft beer, that took place last June 25 and 26, in Valencia.

21 design studios and illustrators have one day for customizing twenty one blank vinyl toys, which were sold in an auction with charitable purposes.


21 design studios and illustrators. Twenty one blank vinyl toys. Just one day for customizing them.

The guys of Zeta Beer, Vynil Escape and Syntetyk, have joined forces again to launch the second edition of BREW TOYS that took place last June 25 and 26 in Valencia. A refreshing networking event that combines custom toys and craft beer, and whose proceeds may be used for charitable purposes. The two-part event consisted of an open door day in which the vinyl toys were customized in live by the twenty one design studios and illustrators invited. And the auction/exhibition of all pieces the next day.

We were invited to participate and being part of a top bunch of colleagues and a great party with a lot of laughs and good beverage.