Illustration & graphic stuff for promiscous minds
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La Quiniela 70 Aniversario

Commissioned poster for the 70th anniversary of La Quiniela. The oldest bookmaking game about football in Spain, celebrates its long history through the vision of seven designers who illustrates emotions linked to the product, like the passion, suspense, surprise, or euphoria.


Passion, suspense, surprise, happiness,... 7 emotions. 7 posters.

La Quiniela is the oldest bookmaking game about football in Spain. Now, to mark its 70th anniversary, La Quiniela wants to represent this seventy years of emotions through the vision of seven illustrators and designers.

We were asked to illustrate the "Euphoria", and we did this poster for the campaign.

Client: La Quiniela.
Commissioned by RK People.
Creative director: Diego Martínez-Casariego.
Art director: Wenceslao Cubas.
Illustration and design: Ink Bad Company.
