Illustration & graphic stuff for promiscous minds

Lotería Mexicana Poster

We´ve taken part in a stunning version of the traditional Mexican "Lotería"; a familiar bingo composed by 54 cards representing iconic characters, animals, and objects. An impressive lineup of illustrators has given a little twist more to this new version, curated and edited by Roger Omar.


We´ve taken part in a stunning version of the traditional Mexican "Lotería"; a familiar bingo composed by 54 cards representing iconic characters, animals, and objects. An impressive lineup of illustrators has given a little twist more to this new version, curated and edited by Roger Omar.

On the occasion of the Tel Aviv Illustration Week 2017, thirty-seven cards have been on display at the Mixture Gallery, in the heart of Jaffa Port.
We were also invited to make the exhibition poster, and this was the result!
